Class Focus: Renaissance Drawing and Painting Techniques

Renaissance Drawing and Painting Techniques Course

What better way to learn to create like the great masters than to take Renaissance Drawing and Painting Techniques courses in Florence? This class teaches real-life methods artists during the 14th to 17th Century used to create their masterpieces. 

How to Make Flour Paste Glue for Canvases

I’ve only taken one class with Professor Gleb Shtyrmer, and our class has already explored a range of artistic mediums. One of our first projects involved creating glue paste—a technique favored by Giorgio Vasari. 

We began by heating water and slowly mixing in flour until the mixture thickened. It took me by surprise to learn how strong the glue became, even though it was simply made from warm water and flour. We tested its strength by using it to make our own canvases while truly understanding the value of these traditional methods.

Making flour and water glue painting technique

Creating Traditional Art Canvases: Step-by-Step Technique

Step One: While our prepared paper was soaking in water, we spread the glue onto a wooden panel. Once the soaked paper became malleable, we placed the paper on top. The edges of the paper could then easily be stapled down to the sides of the wooden panel. 

Image of making small canvas squares
Renaissance techniques: making canvases

Step Two: After our canvases were assembled, we began making white tempera paint. The hands-on process allowed us to prepare our canvases, making them more durable and ready to paint on!

Making white tempura paint and putting on canvas
Making white tempura paint

Step Three: Once the paint was made, we spread it on our canvas, and our canvases were successfully created. 

What’s Next?

The next technique we will be exploring in Renaissance Drawing and Painting Techniques is working with Silverpoint—like Michelangelo!

Written by Fall 2024 Student Florence Hayal


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