Created by Marta Dell’Angelo, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, the latest exhibition at Santa Reparata International School of Art’s Gallery of Contemporary Art features a triptych of pieces “of the body and of the absence” SRISA student Steve P. attended the show’s opening and shares his review below:
Where are the bodies? This was one question asked by many viewers of this week’s Gallery Opening. Upon entering the gallery holding the first piece, you are greeted by a wall of overlapping papers in varying sizes, shapes, and shades of black, white and gray. These elements form together to create a solid wall of shoulders, arms and hands, disconnected from their bodies, supported by fingers and palms. The only exception to the monotone color scheme is a splash of red in the upper left corner.
Out of focus, and with no pure clarity of edges or tone, Dell’Angelo’s piece still made its way to the forefront of your mind. When you stood back and let your eyes wander over the scene, images of bodies began to take shape. The somewhat chaotic scene of flapping papers soon started to become organized and reveal more than that first glance allowed. Some viewers thought the wall had too random a nature in texture and flow; while others found it addictive and captivating.
There will always be varying points of view on any piece of art, but one thing is sure: Marta’s work is inspiring, questioning and confronting. She calls to us as individuals and to the world to look more closely at things and to make sure there are no smokescreens, and the lines of vision are distinct and revealing. Do not think you are going to come to the show and see pretty pictures that you can take home and hang on your wall. You may want to do this but you will also be challenged to think and question. Marta is an active artist, not afraid of working her audience. And I say, “You go girl!”
Marta Dell’Angelo – A4-564 will be on view from Feb 19th-March 14th
SRISA Gallery of Contemporary Art – via San Gallo 53 r, 50129 Florence, Italy