SRISA In High Fashion

December 15, 2011

All of the months designing and creating had come to an end.  The lights were on, the music cued, and the models ready.

Students, friends, the SRISA staff, and others filled the seats of Club TwentyOne for the semester’s fashion show.  A bright red runway led the models on a tour through two rooms, placing the designs on full display.  Hoots and hollers could be heard from the audience, in excited support for both the designers and the corresponding models.

A portion of the crowd
Both designer and model

For all of the tedious hours of concentrated work, the designers had a short time to actually show their productions.  As fashion shows go,  all of the work led up to those few minutes. Enrica, the coordinator of the show and head of SRISA’s fashion department, was very pleased with the show and everyone involved.

Once the show was over,  the designers appeared from backstage.  After recognizing them and all of their incontestable accomplishments, the room transformed into a celebration of unexpected proportions.  Only in Florence can the staff and students integrate to create such a massive dance party, all commemorating the eventful semester.

Lisa Frare

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